What are School Prospectus ?
Though school prospectus is just an information booklet It will describes about the school and its activities. We can use it as e book and publish on our school websites for parents and students.School Prospectus will gives a brief about Students extracurricular activities and other program that conduction on school for students and teachers. A visual source of information for the entire school community and a source of pride for all.
Purpose of School Prospectus ?
Now there are so many school and college in UK, it so tough to find the information about all school and colleges, School Prospectus gives a brief about the other activities and services.
We can includes details and services given below
- School Organisation
- The School Day
- Dropping children off at school and collecting them
- The Foundation Stage
- The Curriculum
- Know More About Core Subject Areas
- Information Communication Technology
- Religious Education
- Sex Education
- Equal Opportunities and Race Equality
- Homework
- Home-School Agreement
- Gifted and Talented Children
- Special Educational Needs
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Reporting to Parents
- Illness, Absence and Medicines
- School Health Service etc
Design 3i and Our Prospectus
We are Design 3i offers creative school prospectus that will helps to promote and know more about your school. We will provide prospectus design. Our Professional photographer will take photos from your school for school prospectus design. We offers a complete solution for you, consultation design and delivery.
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